Saturday, December 29, 2007

Our Snow Day

We decided that today would be an awesome day for a day trip. Destination? A Winter Wonderland. Grab a mug of Cocoa and take a gander at the fun we had!

San Francisco Peaks - Flagstaff, Arizona

Nicolas - all bundled up! It was cold! About 32*. Brrrr.

Daddy and Nic.

The gang at the top of the hill, deciding on who gets to go first.
The snow was 'packed' and very icy. We all almost bit it a few times! lol...
Alex and Nicolas won! :) They got to go first!
They LOVED it. It was a first time for both of them!

Alex, Isa and a hardly noticeable Nic. Look at those faces!

Isa and Nic.

My frozen honey! :) Look @ that nose!

Alex and Nic again!

Alex after sledding down a bigger hill.

Isabel enjoying herself!

Marcos, with Alex in the bacgkground making a snowball!

Marcos and I.
Okay. This is wear it gets fun. The camera was on zoom, so you can imagine how far away they were. They wanted to go on the GRANDE hill, but I didn't want to chance walking over there with Nic. Remember - the icy snow? So, Alex and Isa trekked on over and made it to the top.
Here is their little adventure in pictures:

What I didn't get on film was the MAJOR wipe out. But as Alex and Isa made their way back over to us, some guy with a camcorder told them he caught their wipeout on film! Marcos and I couldn't capture it because we were too busy bending over trying to hold the laughter and the pee in! lol... Isa later told me that she is afraid the guy was going to put the video on You Tube. lol... She even helped named it "Two Kids and a Wipeout". Let me know if you see it! lol...

After we left Wing Mountain (which is 3 miles from the Snow Bowl), we decided to stop in on the Northern Arizona Museum. Here are some pics we took there.

Wonder if this dude's cold!

Look!! A crab! (Betcha wonder which one I am talking about!) hehe

A portion of a meteor.

Wax figures of... Just kidding, it's just the kids and I.

And here's Marcos and the kids...

A nice fireplace.

Marcos and I.

Indian dolls.

Another cold dude.

The three kids.
After all that fun, we were famished!! So we stopped by our favorite Mexican Food place in Flagstuff. --> Casa Bonita.

Here is Nic. Ready to eat!

My pretty girl, Isa.

My handsome guy, Alex.
Mmmm. Chips and Salsa!
And finally... Look what Isa found in her Chips?
See the missing piece? It's heart-shaped. She wanted to try and sell it on e-Bay!
Well, that was our trip! Marcos did an awesome job getting everything ready for us on Friday, we basically woke up this morning and hit the road. We are sooo going to do it again before Winter is over (this time with warmer clothes). But next time... we will be dragging the grandparents along! :^)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Morning of Christmas (2007)

It was the morning of Christmas,
at the Aniol house they were,
GiGi and Barney sat awaiting
the Ayala Family herd.

The Christmas Tree was lit,
and the presents all wrapped,
Every one's love was spent and
their wallets all tapped.

Alexander and Isabel and
sweet baby Nic
Were anxious and excited
to see which package they'd first pick.

On his second Christmas ever
Nicolas sat on his Daddy's lap,
With patience and curiosity,
he began to unwrap.

How excited is he?
as he leans in for a closer look.
Nic has a little guitar
to help him play a musical hook.

With package in hand,
on the wooden floor she sits.
Isabel is ready
for glamour and glitz.

What a mess, what a mess,
Nicolas surveys.
The mess can wait,
as he prefers to play.

Grandpa and Nic,
together a pair.
Christmas is special,
there is love in the air.

Nicolas and Grandma
comfortably sitting together.
A moment frozen in time,
and remembered forever.

Despite his grimace,
I am sure there's no pain.
Just two love-birds together
on an imaginary Lover's Lane.

So precious and sweet,
with Santa's fluffy hat.
Our Princess she is
taking a princess-like nap.

With his own red Santa hat,
and striped stockings to boot,
Alex knows the meaning of Christmas,
whilst looking like a goof.

With the presents all opened
and the tree content and bare...
We hope you had a Merry Christmas
and have a Happy New Year!

The Ayala Family