Sunday, December 5, 2010

Party Animals

Yeah, that's right... We are a bunch of party animals...

And we had a lot to celebrate! Nic turned 4 and my sweet-as-pie nephew, Ben (aka Ben-G-Boy), is turning 6 on the 18th. So, my cousin Bri and I threw them a joint Pirate Party - complete with a Pirate Ship Pinata.

Here's our party in pictures:

Yep, that about sums it up!

Whew... 3 gatherings in a row; I am tired! Thankfully, I don't have much going on until Christmas Eve.

Until then, we have a ton of odds and ends to do around the house. Which is a good thing, as I have 3 weeks of vacation starting on the the 13th. What the heck would I do with myself for three looooonnnnggg weeks, if I didn't have chores?!

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