Sunday, January 30, 2011

My New Striped Nook

While the husband and kids worked around the house & garage, I spent the afternoon up to my elbows in green tape, measuring devices, and paint. After a few false starts, I finally got organized and got down to business.

I have a very tiny little nook (meaning, the wall is indented about 1" from the other walls)... near my pantry and laundry room. It's the hall that leads to the laundry room, coat closet, and pantry. I thought it would be a great command post for all things family & organization. Even though I have a decent sized kitchen, 2 of the 3 walls are cabinets and the other houses a large window - I have to look for space elsewhere.

So there you have it. The paint, at least. I still need to go out go get everything I want to add in - like a large calendar and a clip board for my shopping lists!  I will post the final pictures when everything is in it's place.

Not bad for a Sunday afternoon!

(Sharing on Metamorphosis Monday)

Really, Husband?

The husband's phone woke me up at 6am this morning; one of his techs was calling.
I reached over his side of the bed to cancel the ringer. That's when I realized he (the husband) wasn't there (or else I squished him like a pancake in my roll-over maneuver).

I got out of bed and made my way to the loft; he was there, sleeping on the couch.
I rush over to him and ask if everything is okay and then immediately follow-up with "Did I do something wrong?"

He woke up (slightly), smiled (one that melts my heart every time) and said, "Your snoring work me up and I couldn't get back to sleep."

WHAT?! I've been listening to HIS snoring for 17 years. SEVENTEEN. I've kicked and prodded, and poked and pushed. I've woken him up, I've turned him over. I've done everything, including dealt with his problem for a long, long time.

The nerve.

P.S. For the record, I don't snore.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Got my hair did...and other Saturday ramblings

What a fab day so far! ;) The weather is PERFECT. Perfect.
I spent the morning getting my hair did, doing some front yard work, and spending time with the husband - you know the love of my life? - and introducing him to the other love of my life - you know, Hobby Lobby?! Awkward....

Well, not really. I think it went rather well! ;)

I got a few crafty type things so I can make a crafty type thing - which I will blog about tomorrow (or whenever I finish it really).

Look what else I picked up there....

Isn't it cute? But wait... Am I confusing you?!

The rest of my gang?! I dropped Alex off at a friend's house, Nic is playing upstairs, and I think Isa is rearranging her room. The husband is resting playing Call of Duty... Nice Saturday so far!

Oh - here's me with my new do. Nothing fancy, but at lot less bulky! =)

 Hope you had (or are having) a wonderful Satuday!

Friday, January 28, 2011

There's nothing funny about Progress Reports

Or maybe there is...

A little story I saw on FB; thought I'd share:

A father passing by his son's bedroom, was astonished to see the bed was nicely made, and everything was picked up. Then, he saw an envelope, propped up prominently on the pillow. It was addressed, "Dad." With the worst premonition, he opened the envelope and read the letter, with trembling hands.

‎"Dear, Dad. It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend, because I wanted to avoid a scene with Mom and you.

I've been finding real passion with Stacy, and she is so nice, but I knew you would not approve of her, because of all her piercings, tattoos, her tight motorcycle clothes, and because she is so much older than I am.

But it's not only the passion, Dad. She's pregnant. Stacy said that we will be very happy. She owns a trailer in the woods, and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter. We share a dream of having many more children.

Stacy has opened my eyes to the fact that marijuana doesn't really hurt anyone. We'll be growing it for ourselves, and trading it with the other people in the commune, for all the cocaine and ecstasy we want.

In the meantime, we'll pray that science will find a cure for AIDS, so Stacy can get better. She sure deserves it!!

Don't worry Dad, I'm 15, and I know how to take care of myself.

Someday, I'm sure we'll be back to visit, so you can get to know your many grandchildren.

Love, your son, John.

P.S. Dad, none of the above is true. I'm over at Tommy's house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the school report that's on my desk.

I love you!

Call when it is safe for me to come home.
Isn't that hilare?!
I received progress reports for my two school-going kiddos.  Isabel has all A's and B's (you go girl!) and Alex is As, Bs, and 1 C (woot, woot!).   They've both been working hard and I am very proud!
In other news, it's been kinda cool around here again, but just starting to warm up. You know me and cold weather - we don't mix. I like it hot.
But not this hot (no, seriously - you have to check out Young House Love's blog post about making sure you have a plan in case this happens in the middle of the night - great post. I am sorry it had to happen though).
Tonight, we are heading into town (we say that because of the drive, but I promise we aren't out in the middle of nowhere)... and we are going to pay a visit to my 'rents, the sports store (Alex needs baseball stuff - goodbye paycheck), and visit some much missed landmarks (hello, Honey Bear's BBQ - maybe).
Oh, and I think I am going to finally succumb to the scissors. I need a hair cut bad.
After that, the weekend is all mine - to do whatever I want. Chores, projects, TV watching, or just in case evacuation plan creating.
Happy Friday!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dragon LOVER of Softball

First, my dragon lover:

Found this while searching through my Picasa program. I have so many great pictures saved there. It's fun to go back and reminisce. Nic LOVED his walker - and that dragon!! (Yes, I was - still am? - a big dork, with prolly too much time on my hands!)

And then I found my lover of softball... and with the season starting in 3 weeks, I think the timing is appropriate. Isa will be starting with a new team this year; we can't wait to get started and to meet new people!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Where is Global Warming when you need it?

The sun is out and the sky is cloudless and brilliantly blue.
But it's cold.  I haven't been outside yet, just sneaking a peak from my office window.
For all I know it could be warm outside - but inside, that's a different story.


I feel like this:

Nic circa winter of 2009

You know, where you are cold as heck, but Mr. Sun is shining down, trying to warm you up?
Keep trying Mr. Sun. I need to get back outside to lose the 2lbs I gained over the weekend.

Yes, you read that right. It's my mom's fault. She decided that she NEEDED another birthday (gosh, didn't you have one just last year?!?) - so we had them over for dinner (mmmmm!!) and cake (yummmm!!).

And now my scale is laughing at me. Nice.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Around the House

The weather has been lovely - with a capital L.
Everyday, after school, I've found myself outside with the kids, playing catch or hanging out at the park. Who wants to be INSIDE when it's 75* OUTSIDE?! 

Not me.

I did, however, manage to get some stuff done around the house over the past few days...

Still lovin' my yard. We just bought some lemon and lime trees from Costco (of all places) - but it's a little early to plant them. So I am keeping them in the garage for the time being. Well, yesterday - with the weather all warm, and the sun all shiny, I decided to pull them out to get some fresh air. Thems are heavy suckers. When I take them out later today, I will try to remember to get a picture of them; gotta document their growth!

This first picture is of a Christmas present from my mom. I love this sign. It is in the colors of my living room and kitchen. I didn't want to just hang it on any ordinary nail, so I went to Hobby Lobby and found this cool hook. It was $2.99, and then I used my 40% coupon, so it was cheap (but still very classy!).

(to the left is my office, to the right is the bathroom)

On the wall near the bathroom, I hung a new picture. I got it at Ross. For $16.
Again, perfect colors!
I almost put it in the bathroom, but decided that I will keep looking. So, in the small hallway it went.

This next thing, I LOVE. Also got it at Ross, but this time for $10.
It took more time looking for the dang drill then it did to hang the sucker.
Where the paper is, there was no backing and I thought the bare wall looked weird peaking in, so I took some scrapbook paper and glued it right to the wall (just kidding, to the back of the shelf).
It's on the wall (column?) just before you turn to enter the kitchen.
The husband thinks it's too high, I agree. But he doesn't want to see what a mess I made with the drill, so we will just keep it there. Isabel pointed out it was perfect; Nic couldn't reach the keys.
Now I just need to find some things to add to the shelves.

We've officially got things on our walls now! How cool is that?!

Change of subject. As I mentioned above... the weather is divine. So much so, the husband and I already started talking about Spring Break. We've decided we want to go up north (only about an 90 miles away) for a few day trips. We want to go fishing and hiking. So now I am counting down the days until March 14!
Just so I get to spend time looking at this type of scenery:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Best Dinner Ever

or so I think...

I had a good day yesterday; got work done, the house picked up, went for a bike ride, played catch with Isabel, danced like a fool in the street, and made divine creation for suppa.


Being the good girl that I am, I only had a bite of the pasta - instead I focused on the turkey/spinach meatballs, broccoli and mushrooms. The kids and husband loved the pasta, though. Which was just pasta, butter and parmesan cheese. I loved the meatballs. They are so easy to make - and good for me!

Don't think I mentioned that I joined Weight Watchers Online... so far so good! Down 10 pounds since Christmas (even though I technically started on Jan 1).

Tonight, the family is in for a treat: Pork & Pineapple kabobs with Hawaiian Rice (brown rice with pieces of pineapple). Yumm-o. Wait, is that trademarked by Rachel Ray, that "yumm-o." Guess I better be careful.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Awwww! An ode to Nic

The other morning (was it just yesterday?!) I was up really early, and was looking for a picture to include in this post.

I never did find that picture, but instead, found a gazillion pictures I'd love to (re)share.

We will call this An Ode to Nic.

A long story. But this is an African Fertility Doll that one of my overseas friends sent to me. We tried for 6 long years to have Nic. Within one week of this dolls arrival, we got pregnant. No lie. Crazy, huh?

Too weird?! lol...

Last pregnant picture. Little did I know, Nic would be here a week later.
He was born at 28 weeks.

A horrible picture of me with my eyes closed (sorta), but it shows you just how small Nic was.

Yeah, San Antonio kicked our butts. =(

Look at the eyebrow. It earned him the nickname "The Pebble"...
after the Rock (Dwayne Johnson?!)... but Nic was much smaller. So, the Pebble. lol...

After his first haircut, with grandma.

Seriously, Nic's been into Cars for forever! This was over two years ago! lol...

Okay - that's enough for now. But I am glad I did this. When I go to print this blog off (someday), I will have all of these great memories captured!

P.S. Most of these pics are "signatures" from an online forum I belonged to.