Monday, March 28, 2011

Really, Really Random

It's not that I don't have anything to say... it's just that I have so much going on. And I am so tired. And more importantly, I am tired of being so tired. I need a break.

Quick Update: The husband and I are still married. Yay!

Alex is doing ok in school and in baseball. He's found a great group of friends that he's been hanging out with. I let him go to the mall. By himself. With said friends. And he came back alive and not in hand cuffs. I would say that makes me a successful parent. Wouldn't you?

Isabel is loving softball and is doing a wonderful job on 1st base. She's made friends with our new neighbor - Emily. Isa will be 12 in 20 days (so she told me this morning). Barely?! I for sure thought she was going to be 13. /sigh

Nic is being a pickle. For reals. I do not know what I am going to do with that child. He is still the most sweetest, cutest, and lovable child... But some days I'd like to ship him off to my mom's house. Mom: If you are reading this "S.O.S"

The dogs are okay. The house is great. The landscaping is a work in progress. I am in the middle of a sneezing fit. Crud! Achoo.

The husband and I went and saw the Lincoln Lawyer a week or two back and now I want to marry Matthew McConaughey. Pretty please!?! I've been watching all of his movies; well the ones I can get my hands on. So far - the Wedding Planner. Nextflix doesn't have ANY available to "view now." Darn them.

That's about it. Well. Except for... I think every post should have a picture [or two or eight]... so here are some pics from my trip to San Antonio last year. I think we went in May - it was for work. My hotel was RIGHT on the Riverwalk. It was so very Selena-ish. Loved it.

Speaking of Selena [Helllooo J-Lo!]... I am LOVING the new American Idol format and judges!! And I about died when the Hulk came out and surprised James!! Oh. Right. Back to the pictures.

Love how GREEN it was. Well, not that last picture. That one's a bit gray. Or is it grey? Happy Monday, regardless.

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