Thursday, May 26, 2011


I am here to tell you that someone at Isabel's school must like me.
Scratch that... they LOVE me.

¿Porque? - you ask...

Because today is Alex's first day of summer.
I have 2/3 of my kids home for another few days.

On June 2, I will have 3/3 (or 100%) of all of my kids home.

Have a few days to get used to have more than just Nic home is a blessing.
Soon I will not only be Bank of America worker by day, I will also be maid, chef, referee, concierge, AND INSANE!

So thank you, Isabel's school, for a little lead time! =)

P.S. Just wanted to give you a random warning. The domain I currently use is just about up for renewal. I've been toying with the idea of changing it to just my name, so that I can then change the header whenever I want and it has no affect on how one gets to me. That means you will need to save the new URL and go there (I don't think I could get it to forward automatically). Does that scare you?!
Still a work in progress, we will see!

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