Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer Nights

Seriously... I love summer nights. My fondest memories of my teenage years were when I lived in Ft. Knox, Kentucky. My friends and I would stay out late, either "walking the block" (don't take that the wrong way, it was so rated G. Okay, maybe PG-13), or hanging out in front of our house.

I've always wanted that for my kids - to have a place they can hang out at, stay out late and talk with their friends. Our neighborhood is able to offer that.  I've mentioned a few million times, we have a park and basketball court right in front of our house. I love being able to sit outside and watch the kids, or peek my head out to call them in when I need them for something.

Alex and Isabel asked if they could go out again tonight to play some ball. I obliged; after all, The Voice was on, Nic was asleep and Marcos was working beside me on the couch.

In that first picture... that third person that doesn't belong to me?! I wonder if that's the sudden interest in hanging out late at the park. lol...  Her name is Krystal, she's the niece of our new neighbor - she visits quite often! She's the same age as Alex, yet her and Isabel get along too.

Hey - if they are out doing something active, instead of staying couped up playing video games or Facebooking, then I am all for it!

'sides... that's why momma has the house in front of the park and a camera! =)
I know ALL the tricks!

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