Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Marcos & Jaime go to White Castle {Part 4}

State number 4 has a play named after it...

Because we went through the top half of the state, it was one of the longest periods of our car ride. I can tell you that OK is pretty. And pretty flat.

I am not normally so ditzy, but during this leg of the race trip, I learned why a panhandle is called a panhandle.

Because it looks like the handle of a PAN! Can you believe that?! Genius.

Moving on...Towards Oklahoma City!

But those blue skies go on for ever and ever and ever.

Love this. It was sitting out in front of a restaurant called Pig Out Palace.
For the record, we gassed up near there. We did not eat at the Pig Out Palace.
There was no pigging out on our road trip.
Unless you count White Castle. Then there was some.

Decisions, decisions. 

I love me some Garth Brooks. First concert I ever went to. Early 90s. Kentucky State Fair.
I love me some Garth Brooks.
Oh, I already said that.

These things I've never shown you before are WATER TOWERS.

And this here is a certain 16 year old, text, text, texting her way across the great {flat} state of Oklahoma.

The one thing I LURVE about Oklahoma?! They give you SPECIFIC instructions on what they expect for you to do on their freeways. Don't go over 70 mph... and doggonit - DO NOT go UNDER 40.

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