Now, more than ever, it is important for me to have our family realize that we are a TEAM. Not just to realize... but to APPRECIATE the fact that we have 'teammates' we can count on. I say this because we are all going at different speeds, focusing on different things, and going every which way.
One of the most important life lessons involves teamwork.
When we work as a team, we have the ability to accomplish things we might not have been able to as an individual.
With three teenagers in the house, I am constantly relating things to the 'real world.' In fact, I think one of my most said remarks is "I would be fired from my job if ________________." <--- insert a variety of things there, like:
"I was late every single day."
"I didn't turn in a project on time."
"I talked to my boss that way."
Sometimes the kids just roll their eyes, but most of the time I am able to break through to them. Even if just for a moment.
There are six people, two dogs and one hamster living in this house. We are a team. (not that Ellis, Olive or Dunbar are able to help out much, but we still count them; our mascots maybe?!!) It is important that we focus on working together, moving forward, and getting things done.
When I say 'things'... I mean homework, studying, cleaning, chores, lending an ear, offering up a band-aid, or watching each others back. I also mean working together to keep each other safe.
One of the reasons why I mention teamwork is because I can't tell you how many times I've gotten home late, or came down stairs after the house was supposedly locked up, to find lights on, doors unlocked and scary chaos. Not only does this scare the Beezus & Ramona out of me, but it makes me realize that sometimes, some of my family members have a complete disregard for our safety.
We are in the process of installing a new doggie door... which is kind of scary. More than just dogs have been known to enter through them, right?! Heck, Alex was shoved through my parent's doggie door when ever we needed to get into their house well until he was 10 or 11.
I decided to get the family a little more organized... I came up with a check list that will need to be filled out EACH night. Not only will it serve as a reminder to lock things up and secure the house, it will hopefully install the team work value a little more. Not one person is responsible for securing the house and keeping us all safe... we ALL are. If only one person were responsible, we run the risk of missing something.
But that's where our new checklist comes in...
There are two lists to a page, and each night, whomever decides to handle the task, will sign their name indicating the task is complete.
I have the clipboard hanging in a convenient place, next to the fridge. Which means I took off the fork and spoon (I am going to find a new home for them.)
This is the first of many team activities I have planned for around the house. I am in the middle of updating our chore list and then also working on after school activities. Pretty soon it will be summer, and that means a whole lot more planning that needs to be done.
Team Ayala is just getting started...
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