Monday, August 20, 2012

Adventures in Kindergarten

My baby boy is starting his third week of Kindergarten today. Mornings have gotten a tad bit easier. Maybe because we bribe him with frozen yogurt and Legos?! This morning, before he climbed on the bus, he waved at me two times. And then ran over and grabbed me in a hug. I was so scared he was going to breakdown, but he didn't.

Last week, on the way to our frozen yogurt treat, Nic told me that he had to make a sign at school. The kids were asked what is one thing they SHOULDN'T do in school. The teacher went child-by-child and wrote down their answer on a yellow sticky that the kids were to copy.

Nic decided that the ONE thing you shouldn't do in school is shooting. The sign actually says "No Shooting," I couldn't grab the "no" in the pic. But look at the gun. First thought?! AK-47? High powered automatic?



It's a British gun called a Famas. I guess it's a common gun in a video game Alex plays. And we all know what kind of memory Nic has. I cannot believe he even remembered to put the magazine at the back of the gun.

I am not a fan of guns, but since I was raised by a military dad and two card-carrying enthusiasts, I accept them (when handled correctly). I will tell you, after being laid up in bed (due to my bad back) all weekend - and watching back-to-back episodes of 48 Hours | Hard Evidence on the ID channel, I was leery to even Google the Famas gun to provide you a picture. I am soooo paranoid now. lol...

Nic was upset that he "forgot" to leave the sign at school to hang up with the other kids' pictures. I am sure that it was sent home on purpose. I do want to point out that before the picture was even drawn, the teacher did write down "no shooting" on a sticky for him to copy (based on what he wanted). In this day in age, I think it's a GREAT sign to have.

NO SHOOTING in the classroom (or at movie theaters or football stadiums!).

Makes sense to me.

I am hoping that Nic continues to do well in school and that his tiny meltdowns before getting on the bus fully subside. His Legos collection has expanded significantly; he may have to move out of his room soon! =)

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