Friday, September 3, 2010


It's late night.
The house is quiet... except for the tapping of my fingernails on the keyboard keys.

I feel blessed.

Today went off without one, single hitch.
We signed a million pieces of paper.
We handed over a check.
We learned that we would be getting a refund of about $1000. Yay!
That part was done.

We went on to do our new home orientation.
That went well.
There are a few cosmetic things here and there that need to touched up,
and our appliances still need to be delivered.
But everything should be good to go by next Thursday, when we are given the keys
to our new home.

Wow. 15 years in the making.
It feels a bit surreal.

We celebrated last night with trips to the Cheesecake Factory and IKEA. What until you see what I picked up! I didn't want to overdo it as we still need to finish packing this place up - but I couldn't help myself on a few items such as:

Love these lanterns. I got a few six to use for the back patio. Not sure of my exact plans, but whatever they are, these sweeties are included.

We picked up three of these (for now). They are wooden drawer organizers.
We also picked up drawer liners.
I wanted to purchase my lazy susans, but the husband asked me to hold off.
They have them at IKEA for $7.99.
I am going to get a few for my pantry.
Don't really love the color of pale wood, though - so they will be painted.

I also walked out with a few other things I couldn't resist.
One I will keep a secret for now... but man, I can't wait to get started on that project!

In the morning, we are off to celebrate [again] with my parents.
We are going to Cracker Barrel.
Nothing says "Congrats on your new home" like biscuits and gravy.

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