Sunday, September 19, 2010

What a whirlwind of a weekend...

Our weekend started on Friday; we were on a mission to finally secure our special order for blinds.
We decided that we needed to go with a darker (Walnut? Pecan? Peanut? Just kidding about Peanut. I think.) blind in the kitchen, family room, formal living room and formal dining room. For my office, I was okay with white 2" faux wood blinds. Everything else down here will be 2" [real] wood.

My parents came over on Saturday, bright and early to help finish up the painting.
Who am I kidding?!  My Dad did 95% of the painting and did a kick-ass job, if I do say so myself.
We would not have ever gotten the painting done as fast, or with such quality if it weren't for him. Thanks Dad!

Mom and I took a trip to Bed, Bath and Beyond, Cost Plus [World Market] and Super Target. We took Nic with us to help keep him occupied. Mom helped me find the most unbelievable curtain panels for the slider. Sliding doors remind me too much of apartment life, so I refused to put blinds there. I wanted panels that I could slide out of the way, if necessary.

We found the RIGHT colors - they match (inversely [is that a word?]) the fabric we will be using for the kitchen and family room valances.

The sweet husband installed the rod. Thanks, husband.

Here's a peak.

Once we saw how awesome the rods looked, and with my parents prodding, we went back to Target to pick up 4 more, to fit the rest of the windows for the back of the house. Oh, and Dad pointed out we really needed one more panel for the slider, so we went back to Cost Plus [World Market] and grabbed one up.

The fabric we have picked out, with the rods, and the wood blinds that will be delivered on Oct. 1 will really make our window treatments a complete fantastic package. There were a lot of decisions to be made, but in the end, we did it!

Dad had just a little more painting to do in my office... I think the green looks wunderbar. It's Sherwin-Williams Dancing Green.

Oh... look what got delivered today!

* * * *
I have this space just inside the entry way that needs something to house keys, mail, bags... anything we may be carrying in from the outside.
Now, it's just awkward...
We come in and have to carry our keys all the way to the back of the house.
Not cool.
So, I have this piece of furniture that my mom gave me a while back.
And with her blessing, I will be refinishing it.
I cleaned it up today and took off the drawer pulls.
There doesn't appear to be any writing on the wood,
so I don't really know the history behind it.

Mom and I agree that an antique white would be a great color for the piece in the space.

Now, I just need to bring the hand-sander from the other house
and then I can get started on this baby.

Here is the space.
On the right, just under the opening.

Do you have any suggestions on paint colors or techniques?
I'd love to hear them!

* * * *
So, our weekend is coming to an end.
I am blogging...
The husband, Alex and Isa are sitting at the kitchen table with me playing UNO.
Nic is taking a nap on the family room floor.

We will be closing up shop in a few hours and heading back to the apartment.
None of us wants to go.
I will take this as a good sign.
We made the right choice.
Buying this house.
Now (this time in our lives)
Here (this town).

We are blessed.

Thanks again, Mom and Dad, for your help and excitement.


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