Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sometimes 'Easy' can easily be replaced

I shared with you, earlier in the month, an easy art piece. I am no artist. It received only ONE comment (thanks, Suz!). So I tore it off of the wall and threw it in the trash.

Not. I will reuse it somewhere, I am sure.

But I knew it was going to be there temporarily.  I may have even mentioned that to YOU.

The other day, the cutie pie and I were out scavenger hunting. We found a few good thrift stores and old hardware places that sold things like vintage doors, etc.  Now remember.... We live in AZ. More specifically, we live in an area outside of Phoenix that is crowded with snow birds 6 months out of the year. Which means sometimes 'vintage hardware' just means something that came off of an old mobile home.

For reals.

Marcos and I came across a plastic window frame. It certainly had the look I was hoping for, but there was not any wood or glass involved. For $2, I brought it home with me.

I had left over wood from my office project, some unused chicken wire and I ran to Home Depot for shelf holder thingies. {I am sure they have real name, I just don't know it.}

I took the frame, sanded it a little... then spray painted it in Heirloom White, along with the board (that the hubby cut to size) and those THINGS. All white.

Last night, I attached the boards to those THINGS and made a shelf. Today, while multitasking during a conference call, I attached the chicken wire to the back of the window frame. And then screwed everything into the wall.

It's not perfect. It's not real wood and there is no glass... But it's mine. Another mini*mantel to call my own. It's not decorated for Spring yet... but I am getting there.

I moved the couch around. Not sure if it's staying, but I do love how it opens up that window. Here's a before. I am going to give it another week and see how I feel. Here it was before.

Here's a close up of my window/shelf/mantel thing.

The white pitcher I got at Goodwill this past weekend. The blue vase is from Michael's. So is the white bird. The clear bowl with wire, I found at Ross. The old butterfly frame (I know the shape is circular, but it's made out of butterflies), was my mom's Aunt Hazel's. It's really old.

One last look.
I know everything looks weird in there... The couch is short and we have 10 foot ceilings. Once I replace the curtains, I will definitely be taking them higher up. Hopefully that will help a little.


Edited to add: Click here to see it all dolled up for Spring!

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