Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The 7 Most Important Documents

As I typed that title, I realize there *could* be a few more to add to the list, if some of them existed {note to self: Must Update Will}.

But for now, there are 7 important documents that I hold near and dear to my heart. And now, for some, even closer than that. As in my office wall.

While cleaning out my office and going thru tons of file folders, I came across an OFFICIAL COPY {not sure where the real thing is} of our marriage license. We were just kids. /sigh  I just hung that sweetie above one of the bookcases in my O/CR (short for Office/CraftRoom - it's too long to type out). It's above the bookcase that doesn't have the license plate. You're welcome.

#2 is my High School diploma. Which I know I have a copy of somewhere. Again, not sure where the original went. On my To-Do list to find.

#3 - #5 The birth certificates of my three babies. They are in a very important accordion folder that also houses their shot records, etc. I've been carrying that thing around since Alex was a baby!! It goes with me to every one of their doc appoints and when I need to register them for school.

I had some free time during a conference call yesterday - I was multi-tasking. I took my diplomas out of their big, black, bulky frames and put them into new, old frames I made-over on Sunday afternoon.

I had three of the same picture frames, all dark brown in color. My neighbor Jen gave them to me.

I originally sprayed them Bauhaus Gold (which really looks like Pencil yellow), using Krylon. I am not a fan. I think I've mentioned this before. It doesn't spray well and always bubbles up on me. Now, it might have something to do with the fact that I refused to sand the frames ahead of time, but WHO wants to do that?!

So, after bubbling, etc... I sprayed them with Rustoleom basic white. Of course, I didn't wait until the gold had dried... which is a great thing. Some of the gold overtook the white and I ended up with an aged look that I simply love.

I think picture frames are one of the easiest things to makeover. They are generally cheap to purchase (I've found some good ones at Goodwill and the Dollar store) and easy to spray. I also like to add embellishments or use a ribbon to hang them with.

Really, the possibilities are endless.

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