Bloggers come in all shapes and sizes.
I've blogged about my weightloss trials before, but mostly on another blog, not tied to QOTC in anyway. Why? Because I felt that if I admitted I needed to lose weight, then I was admitting that I am not perfect. As random as my posts usually are (about everything under the sun), I've decided to add one more category. Perhaps it will allow me to have a sense of accountability... since I am putting it out there for the world to see.
Why now? Why at all? you ask....
Well, last week I met this fantastic couple... they are local, in my area.
This couple, Michelle and Asad, are invested in so many things: our community, healthy eating, total well-being, their five children and giving back, just to name a few. Michelle is a licensed Massage Therapist and Asad is a Certified Personal Trainer. Music to my ears.
I think I mentioned that I tried P90X starting back in January. It's a great program. But not for me, not yet. (Ever?!) You see, I hurt my back several years ago (bulging or slipped disk/disc). I get nervous about hurting it again, so I tend to tense up or modify workouts too much. Mr. Horton is dandy and all, but there's nothing like having a Certified Personal Trainer providing you with support and instant feedback on form, etc.
To make a long story short, I decided to work with Coach Asad (pronounced Ass-Ad, not Ah-Sod, like I imagined) for the next 3 months (at least) to see what I can do about finally getting in shape. Now don't get me wrong, I am a shape. Just not the shape I want to be. ;)
Coach Asad is owner of Fitness Revolution Queen Creek. Just from our initial conversation, I can tell that he is working hard to bring affordable fitness options to my local community. We live outside of Phoenix, on the very outskirts of the valley, and there are not a lot of options out here. Generally, if you want something, you have to drive. Having a fantastic trainer just down the dirt road is priceless.
I went to my assessment on Tuesday.
Meet Coach Asad.
He's from the UK; London, to be exact.
I have a weak mind. I find myself copying his accent.
Coach Asad sent me an introductory email with a nutrition guide, information about what I could expect and a medical type form to fill out. We were set to meet at 3pm on Tuesday.
I arrived at 3:10.
Because I knew I was going to blog about this experience, I decided to bring Alex along to help capture the pictures (what's a blog post without pictures?!).
I found this pic on my camera. I assume he wanted me to include it.
P.S. Look at that ORB!
Coach Asad and I went over my medical forms, we set goals, he asked questions about what my typical day is like. 21 hours later, we started to get to the meat of the assessment. Okay, it wasn't 21 hours... but you know, as a parent or a spouse (woman?!), that when we are asked about ourselves, we talk. I gave him THE spiel. You know... I am busy. I work full time from home. I have 4 kids in my care. I have a husband to deal with love. I am working on a new venture (more about that later). Life is crazy.
It got just a bit crazier.
Look at that look on my face.
Get me out of here!!
Coach Asad took my measurements, as he will every four weeks. It's a great way to understand my starting point. The scale matters, but not as much as how I feel and what the tape measure says.
After the measuring, Coach Asad took me through several different exercises to check out my form.
He said that my lunges were good.
I had no idea that correct lunges meant BENDING the back leg.
I always focused on the front one.
See, I learned something already.
I always focused on the front one.
See, I learned something already.
Some of the stuff wasn't easy (nor beautiful, as you can clearly see).
But Coach Asad was next to me the entire time, giving me feedback and suggestions. Correcting things immediately.
And for that, dear friends, I am paying DEARLY. After 5 push-ups, some planking, hip lifts, foam rolling - not even close to a real workout - I am STILL sore. But I think the soreness is a great reminder for me to keep going. To take breaks throughout the day (I tend to sit at my desk for 8-10 hours without moving).
Now, you know nutrition is a HUGE part of any workout/get in shape/change your life plan. Coach Asad is so knowledgeable on healthful eating. He gave me some great tips. He mentioned that they recently became ambassadors for Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. (another score! - love what Jamie does!).
Over the next 12 weeks, I will be posting a Royal Workout post each Friday about my adventures in getting into shape. I named the series "a Royal Workout" because it ties into my blog's name. But we all know I am not fond of calling myself a queen or acting all royal. But when I met Londoner Asad, I knew it would be cute. Get it?! Royal? You get it... right?
During the next 3 months, I will be joining two boot camp classes a week, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. It will not be easy. In fact, it's going to be down right difficult. Summer is just around the corner, so are final exams, doctors appoints, etc. But I am committed to making myself a priority and attending the classes. I am excited about meeting new people that live in my community; that is a huge plus for me.
If you are in the Queen Creek/San Tan Valley area, I highly recommend you looking Asad up. I believe they have a free-trial period. And come on, wouldn't I be a fun workout buddy?
P.S. I probably should have worn a more supportive bra.
Ah. there's always next time.
Ah. there's always next time.
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