(via Channel 12 Facebook site, Uploaded by Janice Heath-Escochea - Photo Editing by Me!)
But the little telescope we are trying to use isn't doing a well enough job. My good camera isn't charged, so I can't take a picture. I had too much CranRaspberry Margarita, maybe. Either way, instead of the super moon, something else caught my eye.
My little palm tree out front has a growth on it. Maybe two. I had no idea these types of palms had growths on them (margarita, remember?!). I was in awe.
I left the kids looking at the moon through the telescope and I tried to figure out what was going on with the landscaping. Abby swears she sees David Bowie on the moon, holding up a sign, declaring his love for her.
I pay her no attention; this palm tree growth has me intrigued.
After spending some time on Google, not quite remembering the type of palm we have but guessing, I decided those growths make my little palms look suspiciously like those of the much older date palms.
Do you think they are dates?! Or will be dates?
That makes me wonder if these palms will one day grow up to be BIG palms. I thought they'd stay little forever. If I would have know, I wouldn't have put them so close to the front of my house.
Edited to Add: My dad came over on Sunday afternoon. He said they are Pygmy Date palms. After several hours of sleep, I remember now. =)
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