Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Back 2 School: Let the Craziness Begin

Over the next few weeks or so, I will start talking about our back to school routines. I know that some of you will think I am off my rocker... but the truth is, school starts August 6 (for two of my kids, August 8 for Isabel). We are in the home stretch here. And you know what?! This is a first for me, folks. I have a Junior in High School, an 8th grader in Junior High, and a Kindergartner in Elementary. That's THREE different schools and three VERY different needs, schedules and experiences.

I am sad/excited that I have a kid almost through high school, and sad/excited about the fact that my BABY is starting Kindergarten. It's been 9 years since I've had a kid in Kindergarten... and I missed so many things with the first two because of crazy work schedules; I am anxious about Nic and the new things we get to experience together when he goes to school. It's like I am starting over. Except for the fact that I have my hands full with the other two, as well.

During this series, I am going to share with you how we got each kid ready, based on their grade level and needs. There will be some tricks and tips and some cool ideas from other moms [and teachers] via Pinterest.

To almost get us started (this series gets ways more serious at the end of the month) - let's talk about what's going on RIGHT now.

We cheated and went online to see if we could see Alex's schedule. We could.

Of course, this may not be the end all schedule, but it's what we will base his course fees on, his books on, etc. We went to book pick-up (and money give-away) day this morning. $161 dollars later, we are home and he has a stack of books, a few decals, and a pre-paid Yearbook!

We tried to grab Isa's schedule on Monday, but it appears it's not quite ready yet. The office is hoping they will have them by Friday. The school is under new leadership, so I am sure we are in for some bumps and bruises.

I dropped off Nico's registration fee last week. He's in AM Kindergarten; however, we signed him up for Kinder Express. That means, he will be at the school all day; the first 3.5 hours in Kindy and the last 3 hours for educational play with paraprofessionals. We were excited to learn that we had this option. There are proven results that show kiddos in Kinder Express have better test scores than kiddos who are in 1/2 day or full day Kindergarten. That's because the kids get to reuse what they learned that day, in a different, more playful way. Love it! So, $65 reg fee and $125 a month... totally worth it!

Check back on Sunday, July 29 for the first official post in our Back 2 School series: School Supplies.

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