Monday, September 24, 2012

He Completes Us

If you've been here before, you know that my third child is a masterpiece. That does not mean the older two are less special, they are just as perfect, but Nic is different. I think we've all helped shaped him, but God seriously had the most impact. Silly God and his crazy sense of humor.

Nic has a memory like no other. I pray for his future wife and kids. lol... Seriously, he can remember things that happened nearly three years ago, when he was three, that hold no real significance to the rest of us. They must have hit a chord with him.

For example. Well over three years ago, I was driving with the kids in our van and there was a huge piece of metal on the road. The car in front of us hit it and it flew under our van as we drove on the freeway. It made a huge BUMP and ultimately, we had to get the undercarriage examined and fixed. Nic STILL talks about the bump in the road. He reminds me to drive carefully on freeways. The dude is FIVE. That was three years ago!

That's not all. He says he remembers being a baby, in jail. Obviously, I am not that gangsta of a momma. He wasn't born in a jail cell while I was awaiting trial due to my mad graffiti skills. However, he was born 3 full months premature and did spend several weeks in an incubator and then a crib with bars(ish). Things that make you go hmmmmm.

There is more stuff where that came from, but that's for a different time.  The reason I mention his memory is because we were on the way to dinner on Friday night, just Marcos, Nic and me, and he was talking about things he remembered. As always, I complimented him on remembering all that stuff. To which he replied, "You know how I do it, mom? I have memory ships in my heart."

Memory ships. In his heart.
Of course he means 'chips.'

He once told me that he sees his memories as pictures in his head. And that the pictures have a white boarder around them.  Oh, to be a blood vessel in his brain....

Besides he love for remembering things and coming up with the cutest sayings, Nic loves to collect things.

He found these rocks at the park. Evidently, we were all out of Ziploc bags, so he used the next best thing. Tin foil. You know... so they stay fresh.

Nic LOVES to put on a costume.

And he loves Legos, small toys... and taking pictures of everything.

This kid cracks us all up. He's the perfect third (and last) child. He completes us.
No really. He does. As in, I see minor surgery in my very near future. As in... no more kiddos for us!

See, literally, he does complete us.

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