Friday, November 25, 2011

It's all about the details...

Fall in a box...
Literally. Maybe.
All of our fall stuff is now packed away.

And now it's Nic's turn. He will be 5 next Friday and we are having a Vintage Cowboy party for him.
I've spent all day creating his decorations. I am trying really hard to use what I have and not spend any more on the decor. So far, so good.

And thank gosh we live in a new {and growing} subdivision... we have tons of scrap wood and stuff all over the place.

And really... when it's about Nic's party... it's all about the details.

I am committed to this theme, as you can see.
I've made banners, signs, labels, etc.

I figured I would get all of this done now and then next Thursday and Friday, I will get the grocery shopping squared away and the cupcakes figured out.

I have a feeling the next few days are going to go by so quickly. As have the last five years.

Sniffle. Sniffle.

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