Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turning Green {Repurpose}

I found a new spray paint that I love. *Eden Green*
But before that, I found something cool at Goodwill.

It was on the wayyyyyy bottom of one of the shelves. Forgotten. Alone.
I saved it.

But I didn't take a before picture of it.

{did you know that means Smack My Head?!? i just learned that from one of the kiddos. can't remember which one. prolly nic}

Let me tell you - it was OLD. DARK. SCARRED.
I didn't know what it was.
The husband said it was a cabinet door. I laughed at him.
Allllll the way home.
Until I got the piece in the light {I am telling you - it was dark, glossy, stained, dark!} - and I found the hardware holes. SMH again. I hate when that man is right.

Who cares what it is. I like it.  I was going to leave it dark. Then I was going to spray it cream. But then I spied Eden Green and I knew it was exactly the color it was meant to be.

The kids love it. They thought (before I sprayed it) that it looked like one side of a saloon door.
What the heck do they know about Saloons?

Here it is, just after spraying it.

I let it dry, then I took sandpaper to it. Here's how it looks now. Love, love, love the green.

And finally, here is a comparison shot of the corner. 

Holy Guacamole, that's one fine corner. Now, if I can just get the rest of the house to measure up!
And maybe... one day... I will get the formal living room couch slip covered (hello, Santa Fe) so that I can give you a wider shot. =) That's the plan!

So... with the curtains now reinstalled, I wanted to share with you a few more pictures.
The room is FAR from done. It's going to be a library some day. Which means we need bookcases.

Here's a close-up of the drapes.

As a reminder... the inspiration came from Ashli of Mini Manor (formerly known as Maillardville Manor).  Here is her drapes post... And you will see that they are not really drapes; rather, they are table cloths she (we, really) bought on clearance from Target earlier this year.

Here is my first drapes post.

Well... that was a lot for today... So much to get ready for and here I am sitting on the computer.
I guess I should go bake something.
Or something.


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