Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Vanity Fair & Loverly Vinyl

Yesterday I shared my feature wall.
Did you happen to notice the vinyl lettering?!

My friend, Cindy {of Cindy's Vinyl Creations}, does vinyl lettering, etc. as her part-time gig. Her full time gig, you ask?! Mom to two rambunctious little boys.

When I found out that my once co-worker offered up vinyl lettering, I was in heaven. Forget about the fact that she moved a million miles away several years ago (it's true. I looked it up. Montana is that far away from Arizona!), I was going to keep her in business.

The first thing I purchased from her was before we even closed on the house. It was for a sign for the front of my house. But then the meanie HOA said I couldn't hang anything on the wall, so I kept it, still snuggled in it's backing paper.

I started to work on something this weekend, and ended up pulling out that vinyl to use.
I bought this sign at Hobby Lobby eons ago...

It wasn't BAD looking. But, I can tell you that it only hung in that spot for a few weeks. It eventually moved up to the top of the cabinets. I brought it down, dusted it off and came up with this:

Recognize something?!
Oh, Vanity Fair strikes again!
I am going to use every.single.page.of.that.book if it kills me!

And now, here it sits...

I have to admit, I was a little skurred using vinyl for the first time. But, Cindy sent along instructions - and when followed, they work like a charm!! Cindy has a ton of examples of her work on her blog. Go check her out!!! Buy some vinyl.

Found this on my camera... a pretty decent shot of my living room {and my $12 Goodwill coffee table, that has yet to be stained and my Wal-Mart clearance pillows that I lurve... $5 each!}.

I wish I could say it ALWAYS looks like this. But, to keep things real... I found ANOTHER picture on my camera (that I did NOT take)... it shows a better example. You can thank Nic...


I have a budding photographer in my midst.
Me thinks.

Happy November 1!!

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