It wasn't that long ago that I shared a few documents with you, a little something I was implementing to get the kids back on the chore wagon. Here's that post. And while my intentions were *AWESOME*, I may have made it a tad bit complicated.
In fact, after reading about Shawni's family's money system (and how it's worked for years!), I know my system was too complicated. So I borrowed her ideas. And tweaked them to make them work for my family.
And then I made a Power Point presentation (deck, from here on out). Please note that this is what I do for a living. I make decks all day long. For Senior Leaders. I am good at it. I make them look snazzy. However, I wanted this one to be SIMPLE. I wanted the MESSAGE to the point of the deck, not clip art or fancy font. You can click here to read the deck in its entirety.
At the end of that deck, after explaining everything, I have two sweet sheets. The first is their weekly checklist of items they must do. The second is the Zone cleaning assignments which will show who is assigned where for the week. We have more zones than kids. :( So that means Marcos and I will each take a zone (Garage and Kitchen, respectively). I knew I shouldn't have stopped at Nic.
I've created some blank forms for you to download, should you wish to use them. But they are easy enough to create your own. You can see from Shawni's post, that she keeps hers pretty simple, too.
Click on each form to be taken to Box to download, for free.
I've found blank check registers to use for the kids to keep their own accounts in order. I've explained to the kiddos, in depth, the need for the 10/20/70 system. At first, I did get a little 'tude. But when they realized how much 10% and 20% were, they calmed down.
We don't belong to a church, so we don't tithe. However, I do believe in giving back. So I am allowing the kids to donate their 10% to the charity of their choice, whether it be the Humane Society or the Salvation Army. I just want them to think of others.
This is so different than anything we've done in the past. I wish I was armed with this knowledge when the kids were still widdle. But, alas, I wasn't. We may be able to train Nic and partially Isabel. And I am glad for that.
So, as you can see. It's not just about chores. Or allowance. It's a complete package. It's about being a member of the family and doing our parts. While teaching them about money, saving for the future, and giving back. It's about them losing their feelings of entitlement. It's about Marcos and I coming together to work off of the same plan.
I will update you after our first Pay Day to see how it is working for us.
I encourage you to read; it's a fantastic blog. Shawni is real. The kids are freakin' adorable. Enough said.
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