Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Reflection

The problem with mirrors, even those that are pretty and new...

Is that they never lie.
A mirror has the power to demand accountability; it commands verity to be shared.

I could hang up a painting and make you see what I want you to see.
You could stand at my window, on the outside looking in, and have a version of the truth within your view.

The truth is, your perception is your reality.
How you see things and people around you, is how they are in your world.

When I have doubts about what is real or not.
I need not go far; just to the end of the hall where my reality hangs.

When the truth is told, my next steps are what defines my reality.
How I react to my reflection speaks volumes.

When change is imminent, as shown by my sun-burst companion,
I have two choices.

The problem with mirrors...
Is that they never, ever lie.

**I've been thinking a lot of about my 2013 Word. I had one for 2012, but didn't quite follow-through on my posts and updates. As I started to think about the upcoming year, the above just came to me. It's not a normal, happy-go-lucky post, but the words are honest.  

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