Thursday, June 28, 2012

Donut Pillows in under 5 Minutes

I've mentioned before (too many times to link to) that we live on the outskirts of Phoenix. Way outskirts. And when we bought this house, there wasn't much out here. But a Dunkin Donuts did open up just down the street. And my, over the past two years, it's been so easy to just stop in and grab a box of donut holes. But seriously, the last few times we did that, the donuts were not so desirable. They were HARD-ish.

Today marks Day 1 of our Vacation (maybe Staycation?! We will see) - and I decided to get up and make the kids a treat for breakfast.  Take note - these babies are EASY PEASY!

Here's what you will need. Brand does not matter. ;)

Here's what you do:

We are so still under our five minute mark, people!

My momma taught me how to make these... and the kids LOVE them. You can't official call them donut holes, because 1) they aren't round and 2) they didn't come from the center of a donut. So we settled on Donut Pillows.

Soft. Airy. Perfect.
Don't rest your head on these babies, though... The Cinnamon/Sugar mix is probably great for exfoliating, but is a bugger to get out of your hair. ;)

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