Saturday, June 2, 2012

Queen of the Tonto?! Creek - Roadtrip

116* is what my van's temperature gauge read as we hit the road - outta town early (ahem, mid?!) Saturday morning. We wanted nothing to do with it. So we felt that a little road trip was in order.

Sure we could have gone to our usual spots... Christopher Creek, Canyon Lake, etc. But we decided to go to Tonto Creek instead. And I was the Queen of it.

Maybe not.
But I was a much better navigator than Carmen the Garmin. She actually led us down a path one should not go down. There was even a sign indicating so.

I took about 120 pictures today, but have tried to spare you (and my future grandchildren) any pain, and only uploaded 3/4s of them.

I kid, I kid.

Thank gosh for collages. Reminder, you can click on them to make them LARGER! =) Which is good for sign reading.

No joke - Nic actually yelled that out.
And so did the cactus.
I made Marcos pull over for the cactus shot. It was so fitting!

To prove I was there. =)

 We listened to a gazillion 80s pop songs on the way there and back, thanks to Marcos' iPod. We took sandwich stuff and waters and just sat outside in our camping chairs and had a great lunch. And then we walked through the creek. Marcos and I stayed on the rocks, while the kids jumped right in.

I love these kind of road trips. We haven't had the time to do them during the past few months; just too busy. But now that summer is here, we are planning a camping trip, another day trip and also to go tubing down the Salt River.

Tonto Creek is just past Payson, a beautiful town NE of Phoenix. Less than a two hour drive. Besides the water and the greenery (and the fishies) - we were also doted on with temps in the low 90s.

We had a beautiful Saturday!! And seriously... walking on the rocks in the creek, trying not to fall in?! A total body workout. I am SORE!! Coach Asad would be proud!

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