Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Nekkid Guest

;)  or as my 16 year old son would say "winky face!"

As I've mentioned in a few posts, we are trying to work on our house using what we already have or by spending very little. Decorating on a budget, perhaps?! Yeah, I'll go with that.

Our house doesn't need fixing up; it's less than two years old. But we are trying to introduce character.

Mr. House - may I please introduce you to Miss. Character...
Charmed, I'm sure.

One of the rooms we are starting on first is the downstairs guest bathroom. Or, as I like to call it - the room where Nic INSISTS on missing the toilet. I am going to dig that kid a hole out back to use; dare me.

Here is a quick snapshot of the bathroom before:

Nothing fancy, but not bad, either.

This is what it looked like BEFORE that - right after we moved in:

And now, my lovies... I have a blank slate.

Don't mind me in the mirror, people. Sometimes a mamarazzi has to do what a mamarazzi has to do. Know what I mean?

Anyway - BLANK slate. You can see that I started to put up board and batten. And then my dad borrowed his saw back. I figured I would go ahead and get my measurements going and then borrow the saw back for a weekend of no installing, just sawing my butt off. Or, I saw, He (the man known as "lucky one who married me instead of dancing with wolves")  installs. We will see. But I have a TON of molding work that we want to get done. That *I* want to get done.

I am not 100% sure what I am going to do with this small room, except for:

1) Never let my boys in there again, and
2) I am going to have molding. [Not to be confused with MOLD.]

Stay tuned.

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