Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Little Fall

I realized that I will be having people over to my house in two weeks for my son's 17th birthday (and Halloween - which is the same day).

And then I SCREAMED.

The house is still a construction zone. I still have spackle on my bathroom walls. I only have two chairs at my dining room table.


I've been pulling out my fall totes to try and get some decor out. You know, so the kids could tell that Autumn had arrived (in case they can't read a calendar).

This year, I've decided to decorate the OUTSIDE of the house Halloween Style. And the INSIDE of the house FALL STYLE.

I got a jump start on fall today, but maybe I should hurry up with Halloween?

If you've been around for a while, you know I don't have a real mantel... so I find any ledge type thingy and try to make it work.

I don't think it's 100 percent there... but it is what it is for now. And it will probably change fifteen times before Christmas. But at least there's some orange going on.

The bookcases even got dressed up a little.
Can I call them 'book'cases if they have more stuff on them than books?

I shall call them 'stuff'cases.

P.S. Here is what fall looked like in years past. Thanksgiving 2011  Entryway from last year... 
Man, I need to get better at fall. Maybe I need a fireplace?!

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