Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How to Seduce your Guy in 31 Days [Day 16]

Go back for a moment... regardless of how many years you've been together... press 'Play' and let your mind remember the jams that brought you and your man just a little closer.

Perhaps it was a song that was playing during your first kiss. Maybe it was the song you danced to at your wedding.

For Day 16, I want to focus on the music that shaped our lives together. Marcos and I have a plethora of songs that make us stop, close our eyes, and remember - the good times or the sad. Music has a way of doing that; agree?

Putting together a playlist is a quick and easy way to show your man you are thinking about him. You can create a new playlist for his iPod, or add songs into his existing playlists - to surprise him a little.

Here are a few of the songs that mean something to us [please don't judge on the corniness]:

Zapp & Roger - I want to be your man
Zapp & Roger - Computer love

The reason why these two are on the list is because Zapp & Roger came out with their greatest hits CD in 1993, which is when Marcos and I met. He played them all of the time and now, when the songs come on the radio, we steal a sideways glance at each other.
SWV - Weak
Aerosmith - Cryin'

Cryin' was our first ever pre-make-out (uhem!) song. Which is hysterical if you actually listen to the words; nothing romantic about it. A great song, none-the-less. Too bad Don't want to miss a thing didn't come out until years later.
Alan Jackson - Remember when
This song came out 10 years into our relationship. He found it and played it quite often... and when I heard it and saw the video, it simply and solidly solidified the fact that I wanted nothing more than to grow old with the man (Marcos, not Alan).
I think the reason why music provides such great memories is because in the early years, we used to go to the record store and buy singles on tape. I remember the day we went to Tower Records and they told us that they no longer sold tapes... we had to buy CDs. I looked that clerk in the eye, pissed as all get out, and told him that CDs would NEVER last.

Well, I was kinda right... we've all moved on to MP3 and iTunes, right? Well, some of us. Marcos still has a box full of old school tapes. I think we will keep those forever. As a reminder.

Just a little curious... what was your first make-out song?

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