I know I've jumped around a lot. I had big dreams - but then I lost my notebook. Maybe the dog ate it?
I am shooting for a recap, with a list of things that can be done to seduce your guy. Or, for me to seduce mine. I do have to say, though, that in a very short amount of time and number of posts, I've learned something about all of this. And that was kind of the point.
My guy is happiest when the house is kept, there is dinner on the table (regardless of if he makes it or I do), when there are clean work clothes in the closet (regardless of if he washes them or I do), and when the chaos is controlled. He wants to come home on Wednesday nights (his Friday) to a picked-up and happy home. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just not apocalyptic.
After being married for almost 18 years, I realize that we BOTH do better when things have a place and are in order. I wasn't so surprised to learn that about myself. It surprised me more about him. I think he's been quiet all these years. Probably realizing all of the work I put into my education, my career, and the kids. He put his feelings aside and dealt.
I remember his sister once hollered at me for not taking better care of her brother. This was about seven years in. Maybe less. I was so mad at her. How DARE she. While she is five years older, she didn't have a husband (at the time). She didn't have kids (still doesn't, but she's the best aunt!). She didn't got to school full time and work full time.
I was steaming mad for a long period. But even then I knew; she was right. My husband was just too nice to say anything. However, that didn't mean he didn't express his mind in other ways. Like coming home on Wednesday nights, walking straight into the kitchen and tossing stuff into the trash. Or moving piles of clean, but not yet put away clothes from one couch to another so he could sit down. Those were glaring signs that I was
I didn't want to do my 31 days series on organizing and cleaning, etc... because everyone was doing that. But now I see why. It's the reality of it all. We all need to figure out a system that works. Sooner, rather than later.
When I am in the middle of a mundane task like making a cake or washing the dishes, my husband sometimes gets that look in his eyes. Ladies, you know that look. He LIKES it when I am doing chores. When I am baking. When I am being a domestic diva.
So, in the (almost) end, I've decided to kill two birds with one stone. Except there will be no actual killing taking place. I will get my domestication on to seduce my guy AND to keep the castle clutter free.
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