Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day - Happy Mother's Day to you all!!

We had a family get-together... and had a great time. There was swimming, steak, and sleepyheads (is that a surprise to anyone?). It was a truly awesome day - a great follow-up to yesterday... Me, my mom, my aunt Anita and cousin Bri all went and got our toes nails done. Yep, we look pretty hot! :)

Anyway - here are some pictures from today! Enjoy!

Present Time!

The Sisters

Barney and GiGi

Grandma Aniol and Nicolas

Grandma and the kids

Nic and Mommy

Nic's first swimming outfit

Alex and Isa - Tough Crowd, eh?

Aunt Anita

BenjiBuddy and NickelBuddy

Bri and Ben (and baby bean)

Bri - and baby girl (!?!?!) 14.5 weeks

Jason, Mark and Charlie (my dad) were all there, just not in many pictures. It was Mother's Day after all!!