Thursday, April 10, 2008

04/10 - Cute Pic

We went out for dinner tonight - a celebration of sorts! :D After Chipotle (big spenders, aren't we?) - we stopped by Borders @ Superstition Mall tonight... then we hung outside for a bit. They have a nice grassy area with a water feature/fountain. The weather was beautiful, and he LOVED looking at the American Flags and the moon.

We got home, and he was running around the front yard - had to take a pic.
(as always, click on the pic to make it big)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What a day...

Alex played his first basketball tournament - and his team won ALL THREE GAMES!! Wahoo!!!

Marcos and I both had to work - so my parents took the kids to watch the games.

I got out of work early, so I was heading over to surprise Alex when...

I got into a VERY MINOR car accident - on Power and Southern... /sigh. It's a horrible road, Power is... Some older gentleman slammed on his breaks - I couldn't get to mine in time. Honda's evidently don't do "mind reading"... As much as I am paying for it - it should! lol...

His daughter was in the car (prolly in her late 40s) - and after we pulled into the Costco parking lot - I heard her say "Dad, Jim said to call the police, since it's a rental car. Oh and my neck hurts!" Grrrr!! I swear, we were stopped, and barely started again, so under 10 mph for sure.

The police didn't arrive after 40 minutes of waiting... so the gentleman and I exchanged info, and he said he was leaving. So I waited 5 more minutes, then called the police. I wanted to make sure they knew I was still around if they needed to speak with me, and that the other driver agreed there was NO DAMAGE to either vehicle, and we were okay - and that he left. Their vehicle was a rental (he was in an accident last week...eeek). So, please pray all are okay, and that a claim isn't called in.

I was watching American Idol with the kids tonight... some cute pics of Nic. He was running all over the place. In addition, I have a pic of him on a tote - I didn't even know he could climb up on it... Isa screamed "Mom! Come here!" And there he was watching Diego. It was too cute.

And finally, Nic learned to brush momma's hair tonight. He found Isa's brush... and I started to gently brush his hair - then he started to do mine. What a smart boy!

Just a few minutes ago - I showed him the pics of himself on the camera, and he just kept pointing at it with his index finger. It was too cute. I kept saying "Baby!" and "Nic". I think he repated "Nic".

So, the pics! :D

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Fun Day!

First of all - I stayed up until 1am last night (err. this morning?) cleaning our office (well, my half anyway). I had 3 bags (the garbage kind) full of paper to be shred. I went through all of our bills, created file folders, and doubl checked our new budget. With the price of food going up, and the cost of gas - we Ayala's are changing our ways. More on that later.
Here's a pic of the more organized desk space.
(as always, click on the pic to see it bigger)

This afternoon, we walked to the park down the way from our house (behind the kid's school). It was a lovely afternoon! :) Nic enjoys being out in the fresh air.
We got to the park - and I was able to snap a few pics.

Alex and Nic after a ride down the slide.

Nic checking the slide out.

Alex and Isa posing.

Nic on the swing!

Nic walking towards his stroller - mid-step.

Isa on the tire swing.

Daddy and Nic @ the slide.

"Wrong way, Nic!!!"

Walking back home.
We stopped about 3 houses down from our, Marcos and the kids walked ahead. I wanted Nic to get some more walking in. Instead... he found a pet rock. Even after I got him up, and dusted him off, he kept turning around and "talking" to the rock. lol...

I don't have a picture of this - but trust me - Nic does not like the taste of sand. lol..
So, with that being said - a bath was in order. Unfortunatly, the kids bathroom was being worked on (toilet issues - Marcos will be making a run to Home Depot)... so I did the next best thing... The large shower in our bathroom. I turned the water on - and threw some toys in, then Nic... and it worked. =D
He hates water in his face - but kept going back for me! lol...
It took me a few minutes, but I was able to get in there (without getting wet, nice!!) and got him all soapy and clean. Much faster and easier than the bath tub! We will prolly try it again.
After all of that walking, playing and showering - it was for certain dinner time. Chick-Chicks and American Cheese, with chocolate milk! Yummy!

Nic is now playing quietly in the playroom while watching Dora.
It won't be long before he falls asleep!
What a great day!
Oh - and here is a link to view his walking abilities - after just one week!!